CEF Uniform

“Very good quality, comfortable and durable clothing.”

CEF spokesperson

Customer: City Electrical Factors
Industry: Retail
Roll Out Date September 2019

The UK’s largest electrical wholesaler/supplier, City Electrical Factors (CEF) was looking for a uniform that was smart, contemporary but functional as many staff have varied roles which include being customer-facing.


CEF wanted to ensure branch and delivery staff looked smart at work, whilst representing the brand during customer interactions. The three key objectives for this uniform were to improve design, add comfort for staff and overall wearer satisfaction.

For a long period, many CEF branches had been independently sourcing their uniform, which resulted in an inconsistent image across the different branches.

As CEF services a range of national contracts, they had customers who were visiting a particular branch one day and then a different branch on a separate day and in turn seeing a different uniform being worn. This also meant that most of the CEF branch managers had to liaise with suppliers, agree products, agree prices and manage supplier relations. Therefore, there was a desire to have a consistent, professional-looking uniform for their staff to wear and be proud of.

The Solution

Wearer satisfaction was highlighted with an exceptional NPS score: of 85.67

Murray developed a new, improved uniform for CEF offering a customised product range across the brand with improved fit and comfort for the wearers, regardless of what job activity they were undertaking.

An online portal solution provided ease of central and local budgeting, ordering, tracking and management reporting. There were cost savings per product, with additional savings year on year due to longer-lasting, quality garments. This is a prime example of Murray’s fully managed service!

A key innovation in this project was the technical fabric used for the polo shirts. This product provides the perfect combination of the ultimate comfort of 100% cotton next to the skin but provides the best look with 100% polyester on the outside of the garment. The fabric also has excellent stretch properties that allow the wearers to carry out their very active roles and still look smart. To best represent the CEF logo, Murray used a rubber badge rather than traditional embroidery.

Key Statistics

A summary of key numbers from the project:


  • Wearer satisfaction was highlighted with an exceptional NPS score of 85.67
  • Rolled out to 390 branches
  • Rolled out to 2,500 wearers

The Result

CEF regularly plans for an annual uniform refresh. However, 12 months after Murray supplied the new uniform, the garments were in such great condition, that even up to 24 months later, some items were still not ready to be replaced.

This level of quality saw CEF gain cost savings of up to 65%.

Get In Touch To Discover Our Science of Uniform®

Post Rollout Feedback

Very good quality, comfortable and durable clothing.

Good fabric, nice and tough, flexible and nice colours.

Flexible, smart looking, Regatta gilets are quality.