Hopefully you will be aware of the live event we held in June this year. The theme focused on ‘The power of your workforce’, with content from us at Murray and via our three brilliant guest speakers. We have since shared a summary of the insights they produced, in our live event blog but we wanted to bring you even more! In this blog we will take a deeper look into the rich content our presenters gave us.
Despite the event being held in June, changes to the financial and political backdrop, especially in the UK with recent political upheaval, we believe the content below is still very much relevant and worthwhile to you all!
Amanda Hudson, People & Projects Consultant – Investors in People
The human touch
Amanda covered a variety of key areas regarding the ‘human touch’ from their perspective at Investors in People. The session began by posing a crucial question – what is human capital?
Throughout the presentation Amanda delivered, the audience were presented with five key areas believed to influence the way we will work up until 2030…
Globally, one in five employees are likely to switch to a new employer in the next 12 months according to research. The PwC’s Workforce ‘Hopes and Fears’ survey involved more than 52,000 workers across 44 countries, including 2,000 people in the UK.
Other stats from the survey showed:
When it comes to recruitment there is a current struggle to fill positions. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there were 1.17m job openings in October - almost 400,000 higher than pre-pandemic times. Due to so many openings available, it is important that when the candidate joins, the company culture is desirable otherwise they are likely to leave. With interviews, dropouts, and notice periods the hiring market is experiencing more pressure than ever.
Roger Martin-Fagg
Business trends
Guest speaker Roger, a behavioural economist by trade, delivered content that focused on the economy and presented his subject matter in the most engaging way that kept everyone on their toes! (Who knew that a simple bank note could get the audience aligned with their thinking!) He covered a variety of topics including GDP analysis.
Some facts that were shared:
The UK Employment Arithmetic
Roger talked through a guide outlining the generational gap and compared the difference between these groups of people…
Significant differences between the generations were highlighted – Baby Boomers used the pub to socialise, however Gen Z are more into sending each other TikTok’s and communicating via social media. As technology has expanded so have the hobbies of these generations. The Silent generation would read, Baby Boomers indulged in TV, Gen X surfed the net, Millennials stream more music and Gen Z are more into gaming and video streaming!
The projected numbers for the UK towards the end of 2022
Fraser Morgan, Director of Digital Programmes – Corndel
The new normal
Fraser joined us via Zoom, due to him unfortunately catching Covid but he pressed on. He began the session by diving into how everyone can become more digitally enabled. In a world that is becoming more digital, it is important to understand and follow trends, keeping up to date with new advances. Different generations have varying levels of confidence regarding technology, so it is important to keep regularly sharing tips as well as taking advantage of courses, provided by various sources such as LinkedIn learning.
We have all noticed that since the pandemic, people now work in a more hybrid fashion as not everyone went back to the office full time. With this comes a change to many things, one of which include meetings. A popular type that is more popular is the book club style, sharing material beforehand which has become a key part of this and offers plenty of key elements to be discussed during the meeting.
A new feature many are now aware of and using, is on-demand content. Some examples of this are:
Feedback has always been appreciated, but now more than ever people are seeking it more often. There are now a range of ways that feedback can be harvested and shared among people, these include:
We appreciate that some of Fraser’s suggestions are not new, but it was a great session for all in the room to be reminded of these but also to understand what tools are out there that we never knew about!
We have the recordings of all three talks! If you would like to view them, just get in touch with us – marketing@murray-uniforms.co.uk
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